Discussione: Curiosità La madre di Mordred
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Vecchio 30-10-2010, 19.25.32   #21
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Registrazione: 05-10-2010
Residenza: Gotham City
Messaggi: 75
Uther ha un'aura spettacolareUther ha un'aura spettacolare
Per quanto concerne il Roman de Brut di Wace, cito dall'edizione nota come Arthurian Chronicles, trad. Eugene Mason (Pennsylvania State University):

Arthur committed the care of his realm, and of Dame Guenevere, his wife, to his nephew, Mordred, a marvellously hardy knight, whom Arthur loved passing well. Mordred was a man of high birth, and of many noble virtues, but he was not true. He had set his heart on Guenevere, his kinswoman, but such a love brought little honour to the queen. Mordred had kept this love close, for easy enough it was to hide, since who would be so bold as to deem that he loved his uncle’s dame? The lady on her side had given her love to a lord of whom much good was spoken, but Mordred was of her husband’s kin! This made the shame more shameworthy. Ah, God, the deep wrong done in this season by Mordred and the queen.

e ancora:

He [Arthur, ndr] was hindered in his hope by Mordred, of whose shame and vileness you shall now hear. This Mordred was the king’s kin, his sister’s very son, and had Britain in his charge. Arthur had given the whole realm to his care, and committed all to his keeping. Mordred did whatever was good in his own eyes, and would have seized the land to his use. He took homage and fealty from Arthur’s men, demanding of every castle a hostage. Not content with this great sin he wrought yet fouler villainy. Against the Christian law he took to himself the wife of the king. His uncle’s queen, the dame of his lord, he took as wife, and made of her his spouse.

Quindi, inizialmente si parla di "alto lignaggio" di Mordred, successivamente si precisa la parentela con Artù (figlio della sorella). Ma non sappiamo il nome di questa sorella di Artù né tantomeno si cita una relazione incestuosa del re. Ho volutamente inserito nei brani citati anche il riferimento al rapporto fra Mordred e Ginevra...

Ultima modifica di Uther : 30-10-2010 alle ore 19.32.46.
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