Camelot, la patria della cavalleria

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llamrei 02-07-2008 23.01.12

Si avevo visto il "video-cover" nel mio immaginario l'avrei associata all'altra popolazione...spero non me ne vogliate...:o

Morris 02-07-2008 23.04.02

Sono perfettamente d'accordo con la vostra immaginazione!

Morris 04-07-2008 22.18.53

BLIND GUARDIAN - Battlefield
It cannot be seen
But there's blood on the green
Only god knows I'm innocent
Take me, take me home
A dark seed reigns in me
Like the storm rules over the sea
I challenge thee, do not cross this bridge alone

Don't dare me now
The threatening shadows will pass by
There're getting closer now
Open your eyes
Wake up my dear young friend
And hate shall fade away

I will not move, yet
I'll stand still, instead

There on the battlefield he stands
Down on the battlefield he's lost
And on the battlefield it ends

War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore

The field's been left in sorrow
The father and the son
They're gone

The sun shines bright
And anger rises
Lorn and lonely
Torn apart
Don't you think
It's time to stop now
We were charmed and fooled by the old serpent's kiss

Let's pray
That heaven is on our side
Through violence and horror
Shall honour arise

So let's pray
And blessed shall be our leader
We follow the noble and bright

Don't you hear me crying
Come take me away
I hallow thy name

There on the battlefield he stands
Down on the battlefield he's lost
And on the battlefield it ends

War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore

That's what minstrel sing
Join in the horrible screams
Take part in murderous deeds
Renowned be the lion-hearted
Join in the minstrelsy
Wailing in endless grief
It eagerly longs for more
Broken bodies lay down on the ground

Blood sheds all over the place
The green will be stained forever
And hate reigns all over the field
They keep struggling on in anger

Fiercely intense
Outrageous, too blind to see
And in pain they keep on singing
We claim the land for the highlord
God bless the land and our highlord

War and anger shall reign
The clash of iron can be heard
By blindness you're driven insane
I'm lost in anguish and grief
Sorrow won't wane 'til you die
A shattered body deeply hurt
And darkness will cover the light
It's gone forevermore

Morris 04-07-2008 22.19.52

Blind Guardian - Battlefield - (TROY)

llamrei 04-07-2008 22.22.43

Sir Morris....possibile che non si senta l'audio?

Morris 04-07-2008 22.30.14

Io lo sento , Milady! Provate qui:

llamrei 04-07-2008 22.35.09

Azzeccatissima!!!! E poi è stato molto bello anche il film!! Bloom ovunque :D

Morris 04-07-2008 22.49.48

Buon per Voi, Milady!

Morris 06-07-2008 11.29.55

Blind Guardian-Nightfall

No sign of life did flicker
In floods of tears she cried
"All hope's lost it can't be undone
They're wasted and gone"

"Save me your speeches
I know (They blinded us all)
What you want
You will take it away from me
Take it and I know for sure
The light she once brought in
Is gone forevermore"

Like sorrowful seaguls they sang
"(We're) lost in the deep shades
The misty cloud brought
(A wailing when beauty was gone
Come take a look at the sky)
Monstrous it covered the shore
Fearful into the unknown"
Quietly it crept in new horror
Insanity reigned
And spilled the first blood
When the old king was slain

Quietly crept in and changed us all
Quietly crept in and changed us all
Immortal land lies down in agony

"How long shall we
Mourn in the dark
the bliss and the beauty
Will not return
Say farewell to sadness and grief
Though long and hard the road may be"
But even in silence I heard the words
"An oath we shall swear
By the name of the one
Until the world's end
It can't be broken"

Just wondering how
I can still hear these voices inside

The doom of the Noldor drew near

The words of a banished king
"I swear revenge"
Filled with anger aflamed our hearts
Full of hate full of pride
We screamed for revenge


"Vala he is that's what you said
Then your oath's been sworn in vain
(But) freely you came and
You freely shall depart
(So) never trust the northern winds
Never turn your back on friends"

"Oh I'm heir of the high lord!"
"You better don't trust him"
The enemy of mine
Isn't he of your kind and
Finally you may follow me
He said


Back to where it all began

Morris 06-07-2008 11.31.19

Blind Guardian-Nightfall

Hastatus77 06-07-2008 22.56.47

Sir Morris... siete una fonte inesauribile... faccio fatica a stare al passo con tutte le vostre segnalazioni.
Bel lavoro :smile_wave:

Morris 07-07-2008 21.18.56

Non occorre che le leggiate tutte, amico mio.....l'importante è che le gradiate! Grazie sempre!

Morris 08-07-2008 10.29.14

Blin Guardian - Lord of the Rings
There are signs on the ring
Which make me feel so down
There's one to enslave all rings
To find them all in time
And drive them into darkness
Forever they'll be bound
Three for the kings
Of the elves high in light
Nine to the mortals
Which cry

I'll keep the ring full of sorrow
I'll keep the ring till I die

I'll keep the ring full of sorrow
I'll keep the ring till I die

Slow down and I sail on the river
Slow down and I walk to the hill (2x)

And there's no way out now

Mordor Mordor Mordor

Dark land under Sauron's spell
Threatened a long time
Threatened a long time

Seven rings to the dwarves
In their halls made of stone
Into the valley
Into the valley
I feel down
One ring to the dark lord's hand
Sitting on his throne
In a land so dark
Where I have to go

I'll keep the ring... (5x)
Till I...
Chorus (2x)
(I'll Keep the ring)
Chorus (2x)

lord of the rings

Morris 08-07-2008 10.29.36

Blin Guardian - Lord of the Rings

llamrei 09-07-2008 15.54.04

E' una bella ballata, veramente. Ma se devo essere sincera avrei messo una voce femminile....:silenced: :silenced:

Morris 10-07-2008 00.04.12

Mi fa piacere che vorreste migliorarla, Milady!
I Guardiani Ciechi, chissà....potrebbero gradire una vocalist anzicchè il loro amato Hansi Kürsch!

llamrei 10-07-2008 18.22.57

Non me ne voglia il cantante, per carità! La mia era solo una considerazione personale dopo aver ascoltato la canzone. Io avrei visto una voce femminile come quella degli Evanences

Morris 10-07-2008 19.37.49

Blind Guardian
Bright Eyes

Fool just another
Fool just another

I've been waiting
For signs of god
Create - enslave - behaved -
Everything is out of control

Leave me alone
Isolation bears hope
There's something else waiting
A promised destiny
Freezing me
I feel restless and low
These days full of sadness
Had joyfully changed
Into fear
My freakshow will start tonight
Don't miss the right time

Bright eyes
Blinded by fear of life
No Merlin is by my side

Everything is out of control
Everything is out of control
In my future plans
Everything is out of control
No one's left to hurt
Everything is out of control
Sorrow's gone away

Broken memories
Walking upstairs
Step by step
I see the whole world burning
The poet dies in Newerland
How it burns

Hey, mother stubborn
I really hate you
If you say yes I will say no
Ashes to ashes
But dust won't be dust
If you go there
I will go back

Bright eyes
Blinded by fear of life
Betrayed by sunrise
Bright eyes
Blinded by fear of life
No Merlin is by my side

Hey, father stubborn
You're ying
And I'm young
I feel alone
Who really cares
Born into ashes
To lose all the games
With a smiling face

Bright eyes
Blinded by fear of life
And dark dragons rise
Bright eyes
Blinded by fear of life
No Merlin is by my side

So I sit still in my room, today
Winter's here
In summer season
Shall I say
I was wrong
If I'm right
Farewell to my last hope

Morris 10-07-2008 19.41.54

Blind Guardian - Bright Eyes

llamrei 10-07-2008 22.18.36

Ecco: in quest'ultima terrei proprio questa voce maschile:p

Morris 11-07-2008 00.13.58

Grazie, Milady! Ormai giudicate nel pieno discernimento!

Morris 11-07-2008 19.40.15

Blind Guardian - Theatre of Pain
The giant's lost
And all round him
Destructed for what
They all knew what it meant
But they couldn't change it
Lord they had gone too far
Leave them alone
It's all gone
What is left behind
On a desert we called earth
When the last whale went away
Did they ever see the tears
Don't fear Your last step
From the theatre of pain
And the children will
love Your singing
From the sea
The sea is calling
Now we've to leave it
The sea was clear
On the day I was stranded
Answers I'd known
To keep this all alive
But I can't change it
Now I'm gone
And it seems that life
had never existed
So we left the dark and cold
All I left behind are my tears
Don't fear Your last step
From the theatre of pain
And the children will
love Your singing
From the sea
The sea is calling
I hear them calling

Morris 11-07-2008 19.40.58

Blind Guardian - Theatre of Pain - Vegeta vs Goku

llamrei 11-07-2008 21.32.22

:eek: :eek:
GRANDE GOKU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Morris 12-07-2008 01.09.09

I Blind Guardian dal vivo a Malmo 2007

Morris 12-07-2008 23.13.32

Kamelot - Karma
I am a king of honor
gold and glory
but every king must also die
have I been just and righteous
what is glory
I know I've torn and taken life
and here I stand
a small and simple man

who will trade his karma for my kingdom
a sacrificial rite to render truth
the fire in my soul rejects my wisdom
cause all you do in life comes back to you

I am a king in crisis
counting minutes
there is an ending to my reign
my sins have come to face me
I can feel it
that I have lived my life in vain
and now I know I'll reap
the seeds I've sown

who will trade his karma for my kingdom
a sacrificial rite to render truth
the fire in my soul rejects my wisdom
cause all you do in life comes back to you

am I mad
I feel so void and cold
who can tell
who holds the stories untold
tired and trembling
I am descending
will I have to stay here
and live this life again

Morris 12-07-2008 23.14.24

Kamelot - Karma

Morris 14-07-2008 19.51.52

Manowar - I Believe
From the darkness I walk into the light
From the day I walk into the night
From the shadows I will appear
With a message for all who will hear

For the weak of heart I will be strong
To the defenders of faith I will belong
Till the last of us fight till we die
Till the keys of the kingdome are mine

All stand together for the world to see
Now the time is right to live out all our dreams
Say the words forever, your strength will never leave
If you want to win the fight, say "I believe"

[Verse 1,2,3]

Let's all stand together for the world to see
Now the time is right to live out all our dreams
Say the words forever, your strength will never leave
If you want to win the fight, say "I believe"
If you want to win tonight, say "I believe"

Morris 14-07-2008 19.53.02

Manowar - I Believe

Morris 17-07-2008 20.52.13

Manowar - Battle Hymn

Morris 17-07-2008 20.53.01

Manowar - Battle Hymn
By moonlight we ride ten thousands side by side
With swords drawn held high our whips and armour shine
Hail to thee our infantry still brave beyond the grave
All sworn the eternal vow the time to strike is now

Gone are the days when freedom shone now blood and steel meet bone
In the light of the battle's way the sands of time will shake
How proud our soldiers stand with mace and chain in hand
Sound of charge into glory ride over the top of their vanguished pride

To the battle we ride we crossed a starlit sky
No space no time we'll catch the wind
Strange losses, men died we crossed a starlit sky
And still no space and time we'll catch the wind

Morris 18-07-2008 22.57.45

Yngwie Malmsteen - Echo Etude

Morris 05-08-2008 16.21.55

Yngwie Malmsteen - Seventh Sign
The earth is crumbling, the end is near
no one's listening, I'm filled with fear
hear the warning, in the prophet's word
day by day, we're destroying this world
no more water
no more blue skies
no one cares, no one tries
to save what we once had
world at war (a world at war)
rich and poor (rich and poor)
burn in hell (burn in hell)
hear dooms days bells (dooms days bells)
ringing loud (ringing loud)
I see black clouds
we are making lucifer so proud
world at war (a world at war)
rich and poor (rich and poor)
burn in hell (burn in hell)
hear dooms days bells (dooms days bells)
ringing loud (ringing loud)
I see black clouds
we are making lucifer so proud
blind leading the blind
no one sees the seventh sign
we're left behind
there's no more hope, the day has come
what we have done, can't be undone
too many years, we've lived in sin
we know for sure, the beast will win
fight fire with fire, to start to run
don't trust a liar, like we have done
we've lost the battle to the evil oneblind leading the blind
no one sees the seventh sign
we're left behind.

Morris 05-08-2008 16.22.23

Yngwie Malmsteen - Seventh Sign

Morris 06-08-2008 10.51.06

yngwie malmsteen: il più grande menestrello di tutti i tempi

Morris 06-08-2008 22.44.27

Sarò Vostro per Sempre, mia Regina!
Il mio cuore batte solo per Voi, e se un giorno mi lo strapperò di dosso …e lo sotterrerò …sotto un salice piangente!
Così solo …potrò continuare a sopravvivere….senza più, in corpo, la fonte di quel “Sentimento” talmente inesprimibile e inenarrabile che quella “parola”, d’uso comune: Amore, non mi soddisfa affatto!
Conierò un nuovo nome, più appropriato a tale mia gioia per Voi!

(by Morris Sir)

Morris 08-08-2008 11.00.45

Nacqui..e una croce vidi brillar
sui miei già grandi occhi verdi

Piansi..e solo con essa in mano
placai il mio continuo lamento

Crebbi..e l'odore ligneo di mio padre
m'attrasse e mi fece sentir a mio agio

Andai..alla bottega e unii con un sol chiodo
due pezzi di legno, formando quella croce

Impugnai.. la parte più breve
e così capii ch'era, di una spada, l'elsa

Costruii.. ogni giorno, tante armi simil ad essa
di tutti i tipi e misure, sino a quando..

Acquistai.. una vera splendida spada
con la quale diventai un valido combattente

Ascoltai..poi.. quella musica ed "ELLA"
mi convinse a riporla nella propria custodia

Lavorai, Amai, Soffrii......Morii!

(by Morris)

Lady Mara 12-08-2008 22.23.59

Non credo ai miei occhi.
Leggerò questa sezione con molta attenzione, ho letto qualcosa e sono rimasta sorpresa in positivo.

Complimenti Sir Morris.

Morris 14-08-2008 09.22.29

Grazie, Lady Mara, Voi siete molto gentile!

Lady Mara 14-08-2008 13.09.46

Che musica strana ascoltate sir morris.
I testi sono incredibili.
Penso che siete una persona fondamentalmente buona.
Io ascolto musica classica.
Voi che ne pensate?

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